About Me

Helen Davies BSc Hons IIR MAR

Welcome to Solely You Reflexology! My name is Helen, I’m a Reflexology Practitioner based in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, and here’s a little information about me.

Since qualifying as a level 3 clinical Reflexologist, I have shared my time and skills alongside my employment as an Occupational Therapist, where I support people with mental, physical, and cognitive difficulties to live their life to the fullest. I have worked in various job roles, including the NHS, and have good experience supporting people from all different walks of life!

Discovering Reflexology

Before 2017 I had never even heard of reflexology. I first discovered Reflexology whilst on a Buddhist retreat, where an International Institute of Reflexology (IIR) trained Reflexologist offered to give me a free taster treatment. Having never met her before, I was amazed at how much of my health problems she was able to pick up just from working my feet and even more amazed the next day at the impact her treatment had! I felt more relaxed, grounded, and more connected emotionally and mentally; the digestive problems I’d had for days cleared up completely. Needless to say, I asked her where she had trained as soon as I could!

Helen Davies, reflexologist

So why me?

I was fortunate to learn the Original Ingham method through the International Institute of Reflexology. This is the only school licensed in the UK to teach this method. It is also internationally recognized. As of 2022, I am the only Reflexologist trained in this original Ingham method in Shropshire.

The Ingham method was developed by Eunice Ingham, who is now known as the Mother of Modern Reflexology. The International Institute of Reflexology was created and run by her nephew, Dwight Byers. The International Institute of Reflexology was started in America over 70 years ago. In this time, Dwight learned directly from his aunt and spent most of his life developing, enhancing, and sharing these skills with the wider world. I feel very privileged to have learned their techniques.

The 1-year course was very intense. To pass, I had to complete over 100 full reflexology treatments, 3 written exams (including anatomy and physiology), and a practical exam with a qualified Reflexologist in the chair. I was absolutely delighted (and relieved!) to qualify the first time!

Passionate to learn more and further enhance my skills, I have chosen to become a member of the Association of Reflexologists, a voluntary membership organization. As such, I follow their ethical practices and commit to demonstrating my continued learning to the benefit of myself and my clients. I am also fully insured to practice.

If you have any more queries about Reflexology please do not hesitate to get in touch. I hope to hear from you soon!

For more information, please follow the below links:

International Institute Of Reflexology

Association of Reflexologists